March 16

What Is Community Property?

What Is Community Property?

While most couples are aware that Washington is a community property state, many do not fully understand what this means. For better understanding of property view online as the general assumption between couples of “what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine” may be sufficient when conceptualizing the notion, but falls short when it.

January 29

Should I have a Living TRUST as part of my estate plan?

Should I have a Living TRUST as part of my estate plan?

In deciding whether to use a Will or a Revocable Living Trust as part of your estate planning, the primary issue is the avoidance of probate proceedings upon the second death. Wills and estates lawyers say that your estate will be subject to probate proceedings if a Will is used, but if the cause of.

January 25

What’s the Difference between Medicare and Medicaid?

What’s the Difference between Medicare and Medicaid?

It is unfortunate that Medicare and Medicaid have such similar sounding names.  While both are federally funded health care programs, the rules for qualification are different, and each program is designed to address very different health care issues.  Much like with non obamacare health care, it is important to realized what kind of coverage you.